Source code for l2rpn_baselines.SACOld.sacOld_NN

# Copyright (c) 2020, RTE (
# See AUTHORS.txt
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# This file is part of L2RPN Baselines, L2RPN Baselines a repository to host baselines for l2rpn competitions.

import numpy as np
import os

# tf2.0 friendly
import warnings
    import tensorflow as tf
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
        from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential, Model
        from tensorflow.keras.layers import Activation, Dense
        from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Concatenate
except ImportError:

from l2rpn_baselines.utils import BaseDeepQ, TrainingParam

# This class implements the "Sof Actor Critic" model.
# It is a custom implementation, courtesy to Clement Goubet
# The original paper is:
[docs]class SACOld_NN(BaseDeepQ): """ Constructs the desired soft actor critic network. .. warning:: This baseline recodes entire the RL training procedure. You can use it if you want to have a deeper look at Deep Q Learning algorithm and a possible (non optimized, slow, etc. implementation ). For a much better implementation, you can reuse the code of "PPO_RLLIB" or the "PPO_SB3" baseline. Compared to other baselines shown elsewhere (*eg* :class:`l2rpn_baselines.DeepQSimple` or :class:`l2rpn_baselines.DeepQSimple`) the implementation of the SAC is a bit more tricky (and was most likely NOT done properly in this class). For a more correct implementation of SAC please look at the :class:`l2rpn_baselines.SAC.SAC` instead. This class is only present for backward compatibility. However, we demonstrate here that the use of :class:`l2rpn_baselines.utils.BaseDeepQ` with custom parameters class (in this case :class:`SACOld_NNParam` is flexible enough to meet our needs. References ----------- Original paper: modified for discrete action space: """ def __init__(self, nn_params, training_param=None, verbose=False): if not _CAN_USE_TENSORFLOW: raise RuntimeError("Cannot import tensorflow, this function cannot be used.") if training_param is None: training_param = TrainingParam() BaseDeepQ.__init__(self, nn_params, training_param, verbose=verbose) # TODO add as meta param the number of "Q" you want to use (here 2) # TODO add as meta param size and types of the networks self.average_reward = 0 self.life_spent = 1 self.qvalue_evolution = np.zeros((0,)) self.Is_nan = False self.model_value_target = None self.model_value = None self.model_Q = None self.model_Q2 = None self.model_policy = None self.previous_size = 0 self.previous_eyes = None self.previous_arange = None self.previous_size_train = 0 self.previous_eyes_train = None # optimizers and learning rate self.schedule_lr_policy = None self.optimizer_policy = None self.schedule_lr_Q = None self.optimizer_Q = None self.schedule_lr_Q2 = None self.optimizer_Q2 = None self.schedule_lr_value = None self.optimizer_value = None self.construct_q_network() def _build_q_NN(self): input_states = Input(shape=(self._observation_size,)) input_action = Input(shape=(self._action_size,)) input_layer = Concatenate()([input_states, input_action]) lay = input_layer for lay_num, (size, act) in enumerate(zip(self._nn_archi.sizes, self._nn_archi.activs)): lay = Dense(size, name="layer_{}".format(lay_num))(lay) # put at self.action_size lay = Activation(act)(lay) advantage = Dense(1, activation='linear')(lay) model = Model(inputs=[input_states, input_action], outputs=[advantage]) return model def _build_model_value(self): input_states = Input(shape=(self._observation_size,)) lay = input_states for lay_num, (size, act) in enumerate(zip(self._nn_archi.sizes_value, self._nn_archi.activs_value)): lay = Dense(size)(lay) lay = Activation(act)(lay) advantage = Dense(self._action_size, activation='relu')(lay) state_value = Dense(1, activation='linear', name="state_value")(advantage) model = Model(inputs=[input_states], outputs=[state_value]) return model
[docs] def construct_q_network(self): """ This constructs all the networks needed for the SAC agent. """ self.model_Q = self._build_q_NN() self.schedule_lr_Q, self.optimizer_Q = self.make_optimiser() self.model_Q.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=self.optimizer_Q) self.model_Q2 = self._build_q_NN() self.schedule_lr_Q2, self.optimizer_Q2 = self.make_optimiser() self.model_Q2.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=self.optimizer_Q2) # state value function approximation self.model_value = self._build_model_value() self.schedule_lr_value, self.optimizer_value = self.make_optimiser() self._optimizer_model = self.optimizer_value self.model_value.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=self.optimizer_value) self.model_value_target = self._build_model_value() self.model_value_target.set_weights(self.model_value.get_weights()) # policy function approximation self.model_policy = Sequential() # proba of choosing action a depending on policy pi input_states = Input(shape=(self._observation_size,)) lay = input_states for lay_num, (size, act) in enumerate(zip(self._nn_archi.sizes_policy, self._nn_archi.activs_policy)): lay = Dense(size)(lay) lay = Activation(act)(lay) soft_proba = Dense(self._action_size, activation="softmax", kernel_initializer='uniform', name="soft_proba")(lay) self.model_policy = Model(inputs=[input_states], outputs=[soft_proba]) self.schedule_lr_policy, self.optimizer_policy = self.make_optimiser() self.model_policy.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=self.optimizer_policy)
def _get_eye_pm(self, batch_size): if batch_size != self.previous_size: tmp = np.zeros((batch_size, self._action_size), dtype=np.float32) self.previous_eyes = tmp self.previous_arange = np.arange(batch_size) self.previous_size = batch_size return self.previous_eyes, self.previous_arange
[docs] def predict_movement(self, data, epsilon, batch_size=None, training=False): """ predict the next movements in a vectorized fashion """ if batch_size is None: batch_size = data.shape[0] rand_val = np.random.random(data.shape[0]) p_actions = self.model_policy(data, training=training).numpy() opt_policy_orig = np.argmax(np.abs(p_actions), axis=-1) opt_policy = 1.0 * opt_policy_orig opt_policy[rand_val < epsilon] = np.random.randint(0, self._action_size, size=(np.sum(rand_val < epsilon))) opt_policy = opt_policy.astype( return opt_policy, p_actions[:, opt_policy], p_actions
def _get_eye_train(self, batch_size): if batch_size != self.previous_size_train: self.previous_eyes_train = np.repeat(np.eye(self._action_size), batch_size * np.ones(self._action_size,, axis=0) self.previous_eyes_train = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.previous_eyes_train, dtype=tf.float32) self.previous_size_train = batch_size return self.previous_eyes_train
[docs] def train(self, s_batch, a_batch, r_batch, d_batch, s2_batch, tf_writer=None, batch_size=None): """Trains networks to fit given parameters""" if batch_size is None: batch_size = s_batch.shape[0] target = np.zeros((batch_size, 1)) # training of the action state value networks last_action = np.zeros((batch_size, self._action_size)) # Save the graph just the first time if tf_writer is not None: tf.summary.trace_on() # TODO is it s2 or s ? For me it should be s... fut_action = self.model_value_target(s2_batch, training=True).numpy().reshape(-1) # TODO ***_target should be for the Q function instead imho if tf_writer is not None: with tf_writer.as_default(): tf.summary.trace_export("model_value_target-graph", 0) tf.summary.trace_off() # TODO is it rather `targets[:, a_batch]` target[:, 0] = r_batch + (1 - d_batch) * self._training_param.discount_factor * fut_action # target[:, a_batch] = r_batch + (1 - d_batch) * self._training_param.discount_factor * fut_action loss = self.model_Q.train_on_batch([s_batch, last_action], target) loss_2 = self.model_Q2.train_on_batch([s_batch, last_action], target) self.life_spent += 1 temp = 1 / np.log(self.life_spent) / 2 tiled_batch = np.tile(s_batch, (self._action_size, 1)) tiled_batch_ts = tf.convert_to_tensor(tiled_batch) # tiled_batch: output something like: batch, batch, batch # TODO save that somewhere not to compute it each time, you can even save this in the # TODO tensorflow graph! tmp = self._get_eye_train(batch_size) action_v1_orig = self.model_Q.predict([tiled_batch_ts, tmp], batch_size=batch_size).reshape(batch_size, -1) action_v2_orig = self.model_Q2.predict([tiled_batch_ts, tmp], batch_size=batch_size).reshape(batch_size, -1) action_v1 = action_v1_orig - np.amax(action_v1_orig, axis=-1).reshape(batch_size, 1) new_proba = np.exp(action_v1 / temp) / np.sum(np.exp(action_v1 / temp), axis=-1).reshape(batch_size, 1) new_proba_ts = tf.convert_to_tensor(new_proba) loss_policy = self.model_policy.train_on_batch(s_batch, new_proba_ts) target_pi = self.model_policy.predict(s_batch, batch_size=batch_size) value_target = np.fmin(action_v1_orig[0, a_batch], action_v2_orig[0, a_batch]) - np.sum( target_pi * np.log(target_pi + 1e-6)) value_target_ts = tf.convert_to_tensor(value_target.reshape(-1, 1)) loss_value = self.model_value.train_on_batch(s_batch, value_target_ts) self.Is_nan = np.isnan(loss) + np.isnan(loss_2) + np.isnan(loss_policy) + np.isnan(loss_value) return np.all(np.isfinite(loss)) & np.all(np.isfinite(loss_2)) & np.all(np.isfinite(loss_policy)) & \ np.all(np.isfinite(loss_value))
@staticmethod def _get_path_model(path, name=None): if name is None: path_model = path else: path_model = os.path.join(path, name) path_target_model = "{}_target".format(path_model) path_modelQ = "{}_Q".format(path_model) path_modelQ2 = "{}_Q2".format(path_model) path_policy = "{}_policy".format(path_model) return path_model, path_target_model, path_modelQ, path_modelQ2, path_policy
[docs] def save_network(self, path, name=None, ext="h5"): """ Saves all the models with unique names """ path_model, path_target_model, path_modelQ, path_modelQ2, path_policy = self._get_path_model(path, name)'{}.{}'.format(path_model, ext))'{}.{}'.format(path_target_model, ext))'{}.{}'.format(path_modelQ, ext))'{}.{}'.format(path_modelQ2, ext))'{}.{}'.format(path_policy, ext))
[docs] def load_network(self, path, name=None, ext="h5"): """ We load all the models using the keras "load_model" function. """ path_model, path_target_model, path_modelQ, path_modelQ2, path_policy = self._get_path_model(path, name) self.construct_q_network() self.model_value.load_weights('{}.{}'.format(path_model, ext)) self.model_value_target.load_weights('{}.{}'.format(path_target_model, ext)) self.model_Q.load_weights('{}.{}'.format(path_modelQ, ext)) self.model_Q2.load_weights('{}.{}'.format(path_modelQ2, ext)) self.model_policy.load_weights('{}.{}'.format(path_policy, ext)) if self.verbose: print("Succesfully loaded network.")
[docs] def target_train(self): """ This update the target model. """ model_weights = self.model_value.get_weights() target_model_weights = self.model_value_target.get_weights() for i in range(len(model_weights)): target_model_weights[i] = self._training_param.tau * model_weights[i] + (1 - self._training_param.tau) * \ target_model_weights[i] self.model_value_target.set_weights(model_weights)