Source code for l2rpn_baselines.LeapNetEncoded.train

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) 2020, RTE (
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# This file is part of L2RPN Baselines, L2RPN Baselines a repository to host baselines for l2rpn competitions.

from email.mime import base
import os
import warnings

from l2rpn_baselines.utils import cli_train
from l2rpn_baselines.LeapNetEncoded.leapNetEncoded import LeapNetEncoded, DEFAULT_NAME
from l2rpn_baselines.LeapNetEncoded.leapNetEncoded_NN import LeapNetEncoded_NN
from l2rpn_baselines.utils import TrainingParam
from l2rpn_baselines.LeapNetEncoded.leapNetEncoded_NNParam import LeapNetEncoded_NNParam
from l2rpn_baselines.utils.waring_msgs import _WARN_GPU_MEMORY

[docs]def train(env, name=DEFAULT_NAME, iterations=1, save_path=None, load_path=None, logs_dir=None, training_param=None, filter_action_fun=None, verbose=True, kwargs_converters={}, kwargs_archi={}): """ This function implements the "training" part of the baselines :class:`LeapNetEncoded`. .. warning:: This baseline recodes entire the RL training procedure. You can use it if you want to have a deeper look at Deep Q Learning algorithm and a possible (non optimized, slow, etc. implementation ). For a much better implementation, you can reuse the code of "PPO_RLLIB" or the "PPO_SB3" baseline. Parameters ---------- env: :class:`grid2op.Environment` Then environment on which you need to train your agent. name: ``str``` The name of your agent. iterations: ``int`` For how many iterations (steps) do you want to train your agent. NB these are not episode, these are steps. save_path: ``str`` Where do you want to save your baseline. load_path: ``str`` If you want to reload your baseline, specify the path where it is located. **NB** if a baseline is reloaded some of the argument provided to this function will not be used. logs_dir: ``str`` Where to store the tensorboard generated logs during the training. ``None`` if you don't want to log them. training_param: :class:`l2rpn_baselines.utils.trainingParam.TrainingParam` The parameters describing the way you will train your model. filter_action_fun: ``function`` A function to filter the action space. See `IdToAct.filter_action <>`_ documentation. verbose: ``bool`` If you want something to be printed on the terminal (a better logging strategy will be put at some point) kwargs_converters: ``dict`` A dictionary containing the key-word arguments pass at this initialization of the :class:`grid2op.Converter.IdToAct` that serves as "Base" for the Agent. kwargs_archi: ``dict`` Key word arguments used for making the :class:`DeepQ_NNParam` object that will be used to build the baseline. Returns ------- baseline: :class:`LeapNetEncoded`` The trained baseline. .. _Example-leapnetenc: Examples --------- Here is an example on how to train a :class:`LeapNetEncoded` baseline. First define a python script, for example .. code-block:: python import grid2op from grid2op.Reward import L2RPNReward from l2rpn_baselines.utils import TrainingParam from l2rpn_baselines.LeapNetEncoded import train # define the environment env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox", reward_class=L2RPNReward) # use the default training parameters tp = TrainingParam() # nn architecture li_attr_obs_X = ["prod_p", "prod_v", "load_p", "load_q"] li_attr_obs_input_q = ["time_before_cooldown_line", "time_before_cooldown_sub", "actual_dispatch", "target_dispatch", "day_of_week", "hour_of_day", "minute_of_hour", "rho"] li_attr_obs_Tau = ["line_status", "timestep_overflow"] list_attr_gm_out = ["a_or", "a_ex", "p_or", "p_ex", "q_or", "q_ex", "prod_q", "load_v"] + li_attr_obs_X kwargs_archi = {'sizes': [], 'activs': [], 'x_dim': -1, "list_attr_obs": li_attr_obs_X, "list_attr_obs_tau": li_attr_obs_Tau, "list_attr_obs_x": li_attr_obs_X, "list_attr_obs_input_q": li_attr_obs_input_q, "list_attr_obs_gm_out": list_attr_gm_out, 'dim_topo': env.dim_topo, "sizes_enc": (50, 50, 50, 50), "sizes_main": (300, 300, 300), "sizes_out_gm": (100, ), "sizes_Qnet": (200, 200, 200) } nm_ = if is not None else DEFAULT_NAME try: train(env, name=nm_, iterations=args.num_train_steps, save_path=args.save_path, load_path=args.load_path, logs_dir=args.logs_dir, training_param=tp, kwargs_converters=kwargs_converters, kwargs_archi=kwargs_archi, verbose=True) finally: env.close() """ import tensorflow as tf # lazy import to save import time # Limit gpu usage try: physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') if len(physical_devices) > 0: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True) except AttributeError: # issue of try: physical_devices = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if len(physical_devices) > 0: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(physical_devices[0], True) except Exception: warnings.warn(_WARN_GPU_MEMORY) except Exception: warnings.warn(_WARN_GPU_MEMORY) if training_param is None: training_param = TrainingParam() # get the size of the action space kwargs_archi["action_size"] = LeapNetEncoded.get_action_size(env.action_space, filter_action_fun, kwargs_converters) kwargs_archi["observation_size"] = 0 # this is not used anyway if load_path is not None: # TODO test that path_model, path_target_model = LeapNetEncoded_NN.get_path_model(load_path, name) print("INFO: Reloading a model, the architecture parameters will be ignored") nn_archi = LeapNetEncoded_NNParam.from_json(os.path.join(path_model, "nn_architecture.json")) else: nn_archi = LeapNetEncoded_NNParam(**kwargs_archi) # because i was lazy enough not to copy paste all the dimensions there nn_archi.compute_dims(env) # because i want data approximately reduced (for the learning process to be smoother) nn_archi.center_reduce(env) baseline = LeapNetEncoded(action_space=env.action_space, nn_archi=nn_archi, name=name, istraining=True, filter_action_fun=filter_action_fun, verbose=verbose, **kwargs_converters ) if load_path is not None: print("INFO: Reloading a model, training parameters will be ignored") baseline.load(load_path) training_param = baseline._training_param baseline.train(env, iterations, save_path=save_path, logdir=logs_dir, training_param=training_param) # as in our example (and in our explanation) we recommend to save the mode regurlarly in the "train" function # it is not necessary to save it again here. But if you chose not to follow these advice, it is more than # recommended to save the "baseline" at the end of this function with: # return baseline
if __name__ == "__main__": # import grid2op import numpy as np from grid2op.Parameters import Parameters from grid2op import make from grid2op.Reward import BaseReward from grid2op.dtypes import dt_float import re try: from lightsim2grid.LightSimBackend import LightSimBackend backend = LightSimBackend() except: from grid2op.Backend import PandaPowerBackend backend = PandaPowerBackend() args = cli_train().parse_args() # is it highly recommended to modify the reward depening on the algorithm. # for example here i will push my algorithm to learn that plyaing illegal or ambiguous action is bad class MyReward(BaseReward): power_rho = int(2) # to which "power" is put the rho values penalty_powerline_disco = 1.0 # how to penalize the powerline disconnected that can be reconnected # how to penalize the fact that a powerline will be disconnected next time steps, because it's close to # an overflow penalty_powerline_close_disco = 5.0 # cap the minimum reward (put None to ignore) cap_min = -1.0 # if the minimum reward is too low, model will not learn easily. It will be "scared" to take # actions. Because you win more or less points 1 by 1, but you can lose them # way way faster. def __init__(self): self.reward_min = 0 self.reward_max = 0 self.ts_overflow = None def initialize(self, env): self.ts_overflow = env.parameters.NB_TIMESTEP_OVERFLOW_ALLOWED-1 # now calibrate min and max reward hard_overflow = env.parameters.HARD_OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD max_flow_penalty = self.flow_penalty(rho=np.ones(env.n_line) * hard_overflow) / env.n_line disconnected_powerline_that_can_be_reconnected = self.penalty_powerline_disco disconnected_still_connected_powerline_on_overflow = self.penalty_powerline_close_disco self.reward_min = max_flow_penalty - disconnected_powerline_that_can_be_reconnected self.reward_min -= disconnected_still_connected_powerline_on_overflow if self.cap_min is not None: self.reward_min = max(self.reward_min, self.cap_min) self.reward_max = 1.0 def flow_penalty(self, rho): tmp = 1. - rho**self.power_rho return tmp.sum() def __call__(self, action, env, has_error, is_done, is_illegal, is_ambiguous): if has_error or is_ambiguous: # previous action was bad res = self.reward_min #self.reward_min elif is_done: # really strong reward if an episode is over without game over res = self.reward_max else: if env.get_obs() is not None: obs = env.get_obs() res = self.flow_penalty(rho=obs.rho) disconnected_powerline_that_can_be_reconnected = np.sum((obs.time_before_cooldown_line == 0) & (~obs.line_status)) disconnected_still_connected_powerline_on_overflow = np.sum((obs.timestep_overflow == self.ts_overflow) & (obs.rho >= 1.)) res -= disconnected_powerline_that_can_be_reconnected * self.penalty_powerline_disco res -= disconnected_still_connected_powerline_on_overflow * self.penalty_powerline_close_disco else: res = env.n_line res /= env.n_line if is_illegal: if res > 0.: res *= 0.1 # divide by 10 reward for illegal actions else: res *= 10. if not np.isfinite(res): res = self.reward_min if self.cap_min is not None: res = max(res, self.cap_min) return dt_float(res) # Use custom params # Create grid2op game environement env_init = None from grid2op.Chronics import MultifolderWithCache game_param = Parameters() game_param.NB_TIMESTEP_COOLDOWN_SUB = 2 game_param.NB_TIMESTEP_COOLDOWN_LINE = 2 env = make(args.env_name, param=game_param, reward_class=MyReward, backend=backend, chronics_class=MultifolderWithCache ) if == "l2rpn_wcci_2020": env.chronics_handler.real_data.set_filter(lambda x: re.match(".*Scenario_february_000.*$", x) is not None) env.chronics_handler.real_data.reset() elif == "l2rpn_case14_sandbox": # all data can be loaded into memory # env.chronics_handler.real_data.set_filter(lambda x: True) env.chronics_handler.real_data.reset() # env.chronics_handler.real_data. env_init = env if args.nb_env > 1: from l2rpn_baselines.utils import make_multi_env env = make_multi_env(env_init=env_init, nb_env=int(args.nb_env)) tp = TrainingParam() # NN training = 1e-5 tp.lr_decay_steps = 300000 tp.minibatch_size = 32 * int(args.nb_env) tp.update_freq = tp.minibatch_size / 2 # limit the number of time steps played per scenarios tp.step_increase_nb_iter = None # None to deactivate it tp.min_iter = None tp.update_nb_iter = None # once 100 scenarios are solved, increase of "step_increase_nb_iter" # oversampling hard scenarios tp.oversampling_rate = None # None to deactivate it # experience replay tp.buffer_size = 1000000 # just observe the data for a while tp.min_observe = int(100000) tp.sample_one_random_action_begin = int(tp.min_observe // 2) # e greedy tp.min_observation = 128 tp.initial_epsilon = 0.2 tp.final_epsilon = 1./(288.) tp.step_for_final_epsilon = int(1e5) # TODO add the "i dont do anything for a few time steps at the beginning of the training" # don't start always at the same hour (if not None) otherwise random sampling, see docs tp.random_sample_datetime_start = None # saving, logging etc. tp.save_model_each = 10000 tp.update_tensorboard_freq = 256 # which actions i keep if == "l2rpn_case14_sandbox": kwargs_converters = {"all_actions": None, "set_line_status": False, "change_line_status": True, "change_bus_vect": True, "set_topo_vect": False, "redispacth": False } else: kwargs_converters = {"all_actions": None, "set_line_status": False, "change_line_status": True, "change_bus_vect": False, "set_topo_vect": False, "redispacth": False } # nn architecture li_attr_obs_X = ["prod_p", "prod_v", "load_p", "load_q"] li_attr_obs_input_q = ["time_before_cooldown_line", "time_before_cooldown_sub", "actual_dispatch", "target_dispatch", "day_of_week", "hour_of_day", "minute_of_hour", "rho", ] li_attr_obs_Tau = ["line_status", "timestep_overflow"] list_attr_gm_out = ["a_or", "a_ex", "p_or", "p_ex", "q_or", "q_ex", "prod_q", "load_v"] + li_attr_obs_X kwargs_archi = {'sizes': [], 'activs': [], 'x_dim': -1, "list_attr_obs": li_attr_obs_X, "list_attr_obs_tau": li_attr_obs_Tau, "list_attr_obs_x": li_attr_obs_X, "list_attr_obs_input_q": li_attr_obs_input_q, "list_attr_obs_gm_out": list_attr_gm_out, 'dim_topo': env_init.dim_topo, "sizes_enc": (50, 50, ), "sizes_main": (300, 300, 300), "sizes_out_gm": (100, ), "sizes_Qnet": (200, 200, 200) } nm_ = if is not None else DEFAULT_NAME # python3 --env_name="l2rpn_wcci_2020" --save_path="model_saved" --logs_dir="tf_logs" --num_train_steps=10000 --name="InitialTest4 try: train(env, name=nm_, iterations=args.num_train_steps, save_path=args.save_path, load_path=args.load_path, logs_dir=args.logs_dir, training_param=tp, kwargs_converters=kwargs_converters, kwargs_archi=kwargs_archi, verbose=True) finally: env.close() if args.nb_env > 1: env_init.close()